For Indo-European Studies





Verdandi - The North Country, CD out now!!

The North Country, released in the spring of 2006, derives much inspiration from the mythology and traditions of the past, including original and traditional material, and even a reworking of an Asmodeus X song - the apocalyptic 'Wolf in the Sky'. Verdandi, is a musical collaboration of Alice Karlsdóttir and Paul Fredric. Together, they look toward a world of wholeness and tradition. Yet this past is not something far away that is over and done with, but is rather the mythic past of the beginning time, that place of might and magic where the worlds were first created and where they can still be created anew. Acoustic and ambient soundscapes converge forming a background for Karlsdottir’s haunting and melodic lyrics. With special guest appearances by Ian Read (Fire+Ice), Annabel Lee (Blood Axis), Jim Chisholm ( author of True Hearth), Spike the Percussionist (Astrogenic Hallucinauting), and Johnathan Kramm (Industrial Orchestra). North Country promises to add a new dimension to the rich tapestry of Neo-Folk, emphasizing the feminine, the mythical, and the magical. Track Listing: The Daughters of Ran, Freyja Dark and Bright, Weland Worked Long, Lullay, Wolf in the Sky, The Oak and the Ash, Loki the Fool, Barri, Hymn to Tyr, Bold Asa Thor.

 Alice Karlsdóttir , Author of "Magic of the Norse Goddesses" (Runa- Raven Press),  long-time student of Norse folklore and mythology. Karlsdóttir had formerly sung traditional and original folk music live until Ian Read asked her to record the track, "Lady of the Vanir," for the album Birdking by Fire + Ice. That experience encouraged her to embark on her own project, which was set on the path to manifestation when she was introduced to Paul Fredric, known for his work with the Esoteric Darkwave project Asmodeus X. The two found an immediate musical rapport, and began formulating the materials that would become the Neo-Folk work known as The North Country.

Lullay  [mp3]     Wolf in the sky  [ mp3]

The North Country, now available through Tesco-Germany