For Indo-European Studies


The Woodharrow Institute for :
pean Studies.

Coming Soon:
Introduction to the Indo-Iranian branch
Indo-European Studies

The world of Indo-European studies, along with other traditional disciplines, is increasingly being eliminated from university programs, not only in the U.S. but also in Europe. The commodification of college degrees and the marketing of education as entertainment undermine more rigorous and rewarding disciplines in favor of college-lite, which fails to meet the real needs of scholars and students alike. For this reason, the Woodharrow Institute has taken upon itself the task of educating a new generation of scholars in the field of Indo-European studies. The Institute is independent of the current status quo, yet applies the same rigorous intellectual standards of traditional academia as found in the first three-quarters of the twentieth century.

Since 2005 Dr. Stephen Flowers ,head of the Woodharrow Institute, has been producing lectures on topics in Indo-European history, culture, language and literature. These informative lectures are now online for you. View the complete list of available lectures

In order to fulfill its purpose and expand its operations as described, the Woodharrow Institute counts on membership from individuals. Our sole purpose is the research and expansion of traditional cultural knowledge through Indo-European Studies, and related scholarly disciplines. This goal is one that requires resources, and as with all cultural endeavors the best resource is you. With that in mind, we ask that you examine what the Woodharrow Institute has to offer, and let other interested persons know about our work. Please consider supporting the Woodharrow Institute and its programs by becoming a member.

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A better burden may no man bear
for wanderings wide than wisdom;
It is better than wealth on unknown ways,
and in grief a refuge it gives.

( Hávamál )